Dave's Web Site of
Shameless Self-Promotion

Poems and Writings


My Writings

Welcome to snapshots of my personal growth.

I have always had an internal need and drive to develop beyond my limits.
A large part of this evolution has been learning how to experience real love
While the final steps seem as far away as ever,
I have traveled an enormous distance.
These poems and writings reflect stages of my maturing and also tell of
two fantastic women who have helped me on this path.
I hope you enjoy them and possibly stir feelings within yourself.

One Moment
Some changes take a lifetime, others take just... One Moment.

On the way to Tomorrow
What is life if not a journey?

A Wonderful Heart
This was for the first angel that captured my heart.

Brown Eyed Angel
I wrote this as a thank you for someone that changed my life.

Perfect Love
This is what I believe real love should be.

Choose to Love
I wrote this after the 9-11 attack.

A Bittersweet Flight
A downer of a poem, but with spirit.