Dave's Web Site of
Shameless Self-Promotion


Poems and Writings

Perfect Love

Some loves are fun, some begin as fate,
Some loves are intense, in some we just mate.
Each of these loves made my feelings soar,
But still my heart yearns for something more.

Infatuation can make you smile,
Pleasure can satisfy for a while,
Excitement stirs me, I can’t ignore,
But still my heart yearns for something more.

Feelings that grow with time, not fade,
Bonds that don’t restrict, but give you aid.
Sharing your dreams, not losing them like before,
In these ways my heart yearns for more.

Someone who believes completely in me,
And brings out the best in my identity,
Wanting to be this person to the core,
I’ll become what my heart yearns, something more.

She’s not someone to lose myself in,
With her I find my real self within.
Sensitive, loving, and giving I’m sure,
She is what my heart yearns for, something more.

No need for walls or defensive battlements,
Complete acceptance without any judgment.
Earned trust and openness like never before,
We become what my heart yearns, something more.

It started with a look that wasn’t much,
Now it’s more real than anything I can touch.
Perfect love, so simple, so sure, we explore,
It becomes what my heart yearns, something more.

Like a diamond, so rare and perfect,
This love makes all others seem so incorrect.
As I find this one perfect love, I swore,
What does my heart yearn for, nothing more.

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